Global Mentorship

Global Entrepreneurial Hub

InnoP provides a global connection for talented pools of professionals seeking mentorship, tech talents, and investment partners.

InnoP Global has a strong business partnership in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and South America and can expand partnerships faster for local US companies:

  • Strategic launching of products and services to a new country
  • Mentorship: Business Planning, IP Protection, and Investor Pitch Preparation
  • Brand promotion, Attract in-country talents, team, and chamber
  • Build on stop-shop solutions for companies for the global launch
  • B2B and B2G support

InnoP Innovation Pathway

Innovation is not just designing and developing a product; it should also be user-friendly, involve a new logistics approach to delivering products and services to customers, build new business models, develop market processes, design brands, and bring sustainability. Nurturing innovation and attracting investors are InnoP’s priorities through cluster partnerships at the local, regional, national, and global levels.

Business Plans and product prototypes may take years to develop, but with an accelerator mindset, InnoP resources can complete this in months. Innop is committed to bringing some of the entrepreneurial minds and experts from innovative clinical academicians, researchers, and the private sector. Innop also organizes boot camps for one-on-one sessions with mentors in the relevant science, technology, business strategy, and marketing fields.

​The InnoP Startup incubator aims to drive innovation and create opportunities for entrepreneurs to accelerate startups locally and stay connected with global markets and opportunities. Members will have access to clients, venture programs, investors, and global mentor networks much faster.

Entrepreneurship and Ecosystem

Bringing Balance To The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

The entrepreneurship ecosystem is just like any natural ecosystem- it is balanced only when all of its components are in harmony.

How to create a profitable business idea

Growing your big idea into a successful company